









: I bought a OneWheel Pint second hand today.

: MABDR Trip: Day One It’s the end of the first day of our MABDR trip. We jumped on the route in Harper’s Ferry on section …

: Leaving on a motorcycle trip to ride the northern section of the MABDR.

: Finished reading: Investing Made Simple by Mike Piper 📚

: Inside the Charlottesville UPS main terminal

: The moon looks huge tonight.

: Amazon cannot decide whether or not it delivered this package today or yesterday. It’s …


: I’m back on Micro.blog! After being gone for a little while, I have migrated my blog back to being …

: Abandoned VDOT Signs VDOT here in Charlottesville has gotten a little lazy when it comes to picking up their construction …

: Choosing a Book Instead of YouTube After I finished work and spent a few hours working on a few projects today, I had a few options for …

: Fountain Pens Ball point pens are the standard. You see them everywhere. They are cheap, really don’t take …

: Boy's Camping Trip 2023 Ever since I was three, my dad has planned an annual camping trip up in the mountains for fathers to …

: Camping Along the ADT On May 18th, my cousin left Delaware on foot to walk across the United States following the American …

: People Can Wait This is something my parents have been telling me for years but until now, I did not agree with …

: Monthly Vs. Yearly Billing This is a blog post I’ve been meaning to write for a while. I’m actually glad I waited …

: Reducing Notifications Over the past several months, I’ve been planning to ditch the iPhone and flash a Google Pixel …

: Why Material UI? I don’t understand why Material UI has become so popular. Today at work, I was doing some research …

: Experiment: Work Schedule After reading this post from Mike Crittenden on experimenting on myself, I decided to run my own …

: Choosing the Long Line Something interesting happened the other day. I was going through the Chick-fil-a drive-through and …

: Migrating from Laravel's Token Guard to Sanctum In an application I was working on today, I had to migrate from Laravel token authentication to …

: Overlanding Expo East 2022 This weekend, I went camping with some friends and my dad and brother. We went to Overland Expo and …

: Replacing the Heater Core on my 2001 Jeep Cherokee XJ I have had the sneaky suspicion that my heater core on my Jeep has been leaking for a little while …

: Trip to Illinois: Day 03-07 I was planning on publishing a post for each day of my trip but I have given up on that. Overall, …

: Trip to Illinois: Day 02

: Trip To Illinois: Day 01

: L.O.Y.O. L.O.Y.O. - Live only you once.

: Purchasing a 2001 Jeep Cherokee I have been wanting to sell my truck and purchase a Jeep for a while. The lack of four wheel drive …

: Father-Son Camping Trip 2022 I got back yesterday from our 17th annual Father-Son camping trip. We all had a lot of fun!

: First Day at My New Job The power went out this morning so I had to go to Panera to work. It was my first day at my new job. …

: First Web Development Job I want to share what The LORD has done in my life over the last few days. For the past few months, I …

: Modern Times Summed Up “🤔 Modern times summed up in 25 seconds from the Arther PBS show. https://youtu.be/iHrZRJR4igQ” - …

: I got tired of stuggling learning VueJS and Nuxt, so I decided to build out my new blog in Jigsaw. …

: Today I started working on the marketing site/landing page for Sublime Blogs. I used tailwindui for …

: I just spent about four hours working on Sublime Blogs and using the API to build out my blog with …

: After purchasing Tailwindui, I went to town redesigning Sublime Blogs. I’m very happy with how …

: I’m about 2 months out from being able to ship Sublime Blogs. I’m excited 😃 I still need to work on …

: I started researching Agile and Scrum project management. I’m hoping to start implementing it with …

: My brother just got his motorcycle license so my dad, brother, and I went for a ride. That was a lot …

: I sold my Honda Nighthawk today. Now I’m down to one bike and a truck.

: I want to be good at designing user interfaces, but sadly no matter how hard I try, it never ends up …

: I have a strong appreciation for great UI. I find that the apps I enjoy using are also the ones that …

: I downloaded the beta of 1Password 8 for iOS. The UI is amazing!

: Time to do taxes 😞. One of the disadvantages of being self-employed is you get to watch all you …

: I upgraded TPP from Laravel 8 to Laravel 9! It took about an hour to go through and update all of my …

: I’m back working on a project (TPP) I was told to take a break on a few months ago. It’s a web app …

: I spent the longest time trying to get Laravel Nova to work. Finally figured out my dumb mistake. I …

: Today I purchased an unlimited license to Laravel Nova because it’s currently $100 off. I have never …

: I finally got my new clutch installed in my BMW f650gs. I’m enjoying riding it!

: I need to decide on a pricing model for Sublime Blogs. I think most features are going to be free …

: Sublime Blogs is up and running! I still have a lot more to do but the basics are there and I’m able …

: I fixed the bug I found on the post edit page on Sublime Blogs. It was kinda a dumb mistake. Now …

: Last night I deployed Sublime Blogs to production to test everything out as it stands. The markdown …

: Oh I forgot about subscription billing. I will need to build that out for Sublime Blogs.

: I have almost all the main components for Sublime Blogs done. I’m working on authorization right now …

: Today I worked on getting image uploads to work on Sublime Blogs. It took me a while to figure it …

: Today I had I job that required I go spelunking… well sort of. I had to crawl underneath the …

: Today on Sublime Blogs I wrapped up the functionality to switch the site you are working on and …

: Over the past several months, I have been trying to decide whether or not to cancel my Google …

: Sublime Blogs is coming along well. EasyMDE has been working amazing so far!

: Migrating from Ulysses to Bear I have been using Ulysses since I started this blog for writing my blog posts before publishing them …

: I set up CloudFlare to cache a site and in the process broke my internet controlled garage door …

: I want to build a house out of an old school bus (commonly referred to as a skoolie). I have been …

: I think I will use Digital Ocean spaces for image hosting on Sublime Blogs. I wonder how much …

: I have been making progress on Sublime Blogs. It has been going rather smoothly. It’s always that …

: Here we are again… days since my last blog post. I really need to get better at blogging more often. …

: I guess that is how 7-Eleven restocks 🤔 …through the front door? Looks awkward for customers. “How …

: Inspired by Sublime Ads (a SaaS Vincent Ritter is developing), Sublime Blogs is a new project I’m …

: I’m working on a new SaaS (software as a service) inspired by Vincent Ritter’s Sublime Ads. I will …

: It seems like I go through phases of posting frequently, and then it feels like nothing interesting …

: I went for a ride this morning. It is remarkable weather today. I rode 21 curves, and as the name …

: I put new tires on my 1999 Honda Nighthawk 750. I did it by hand, and It was not too hard.

: “Redirecting…” is not a very helpful title 🤔 Or description for that matter 😂

: Someone accidentally escaped the <br> HTML element 😂 It’s good to know even a $100 billion …

: I know there were at least 10 dumb mistakes that were made to get to this point. I got stuck in the …

: I have been fairly busy lately, and I have fallen behind on a few things. Including the Swift and …

: ⬛⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Wordle 243 5/6

: I finished day #12 of 100 Days of Swift UI. I’m a little behind ☹️ but I’m still making progress.

: I’m not sure how this trend has started, but now every company with a newsletter thinks it’s their …


: I just finished Day #05 of 100 Days of Swift UI. Today was all about if and switch statements and …

: We are having a great time skiing! 

: I finished Day #04 of 100 Days of Swift UI. Today was all about type annotation.

: Yesterday I finished Day #02 of 100 Days of Swift UI, and today I finished Day #03. As much as I …

: I just finished Day #01 of 100 Days of SwiftUI. I’m enjoying it so far.

: I went back to Chris Green Lake around sunset to try to capture a few photos. They did not turn out …

: Here is a photo I got today at the lake. I just missed sunset. I might try to go back tomorrow after …

: YouVersion posted three verses under the title of “Verse of the Day”!

: A day at the Ark Encounter We arrived at the Ark Encounter about 15 mins before they opened. We purchased our tickets and then …

: We had a great dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Cracker Barrel. I’m still impressed with …

: 5G for the first time!

: We are driving through the capital of West Virginia on our way to Kentucky. It’s crazy how the whole …

: We stopped at a gas station and ironically, the rectangular restaurant is called “Triangle” 😂

: My family and I are our way to Kentucky to go to the Ark Encounter. I’m very excited to see the Ark …

: My iPad finally shipped!

: iPhone 13 mini Last week, I received my iPhone 13 mini after ordering it a few days prior. I decided to upgrade …

: I ordered an iPhone 13 mini a few days ago from Verizon and it just came in today. I’m really …

: I finally decided to order a new iPad Air. I have had my iPad 6th generation for about 3 years now …

: Here a few photos I have taken over the last two days with the Sony a6300. I think they turned out …

: Today I purchased a Sony a6300. I got a great deal on it used, and it came with four lenses. I have …

: Today I worked on cleaning and organizing my desk. I still have some work to do but it is already …

: I hope he has his golf cart license 😂

: The iOS weather does not seem to be aware that the time change is tonight.

: How does a 400 billion dollar company mess up the kerning on their signage?

: I just started using MQTT to control some IoT devices, and it is awesome! It is so much easier than …

: I’m working on my electrical license and this video was very accurate with its explanation of the …



: My brother showed me this and I thought it was pretty funny!

: I went with some friends after Bible study to Chick-Fil-A and we all shoved in one vehicle going …

: Making some progress on my secret bunker. Almost done with the roof.

: I had the blessing to be able to go on a trip four wheeling in West Virginia with three of my best …

: About a year ago, my uncle and I had to tackle the HVAC wiring at church and to say the least, it …

: I have been working on my 2007 Chevy Colorado for a while now. I just finished up restoring my …

: I’m currently building a minimalistic house on my Minecraft server that will act like the entrance …

: Currently working on integrating my latest posts into a website.

: I was very surprised to find out the Nord Stage 3 has a panic button. Never something I would have …

: Created this cool wallpaper! Feel free to use it however you would like!

: Welcome to my new blog. Here you will find my latest hobbies and projects, web development snippets, …